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Global Warming (Paragraph)

Write a paragraph on ‘Global Warming’ answering the following questions:

What is the main reason for global warming?

Why is the heat confined in the earth?

Why are ecologists feeling apprehensive now-a-days?

What can we do for the prevention of pollution of environment?

How do forests contribute to our life?


Global Warming

Now-a-days global warming has become a danger to all living beings on earth. Greenhouse effect is responsible for global warming. It is the gradual warming of the air because of heat being stuck on earth. Environmental pollution works behind global warming. We are destroying our tropical rain forests and growing industries, mills and factories, using CFC gas at present. Thus, we are polluting our environment. For the destruction of forests and cutting down of trees, the amounts of carbon dioxide are increasing. The increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth have made a layer in space. The sun rays are coming through the layer but the heat cannot pass through the layer. This is why the heat is being confined on earth and it is making our globe warmer. As a result, the heat of the world is increasing day by day. It has made ecologists think about the alarming consequences. We should stop the pollution of the environment and save our living place from global warming.

Global Warming

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